As written in the Merriam-Webster dictionary


The synonym of determination is perseverance


The related noun word for determination is perseverance. Perseverance is a quality which allows someone to continually do something regularly even though it is difficult.


The true meaning of both this words was felt by you during your dark patches in life. It might have been for an instance. The effect might have worn off immediately after you plugged in your favorite game or TV show and binge watched it. The next morning you might have woke up all tired, feeling hopeless, remembering the hurt that preceded the day before. The difference now is instead of feeling motivated, you feel low and demotivated.

That surging energy you felt when you got mad about your situation in life was wasted. Instead of acting on your desire to outclass yourself, to grow yourself, you decided to sit in denial in-front of a screen. Don’t let that happen, utilize that energy when it rises within you.

Start planning, start preparing, get in the zone and learn to stay in the zone. Try to figure out the basics, figure out what you can start doing from tomorrow and prepare to stick by it when tomorrow comes.


“Fix your course on a star and you’ll navigate any storm” – Leonardo Da Vinci


You have felt weak and you have felt helpless. You felt like a change is much needed, otherwise your life is a complete mess. There’s no satisfaction and there’s no joy. Even when you have most of the things which a person needs to survive, survival isn’t enough.

You wanted to thrive, grow and live the life of your dreams. Whatever situation you were in, you wanted to completely take charge of it and change it for the better no matter what.

With fierce determination, you went on like that for a long time. With a clear purpose and a clear intention. Do not stop, until you feel completely in line with your vision in life for yourself.

However one day, could be today when you are reading this article, you have lost that zeal and focus, you have lost that spark and determination. Somehow you feel lost and don’t know what you want or how you are going to make it happen. Is it really worth it? Or you have been a fool for a long time now? Questions like that and self-doubt is haunting you now.

It seems like, even when you know why you started, you have forgotten the essence of its spirit.


1. What happened to your determination then?


“Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspective. Forgetting loses the lesson.”

– Paulo Coelho


According to a research, a war like World War 2, a Great War, occurs after at least every 70 years. It could be more but never less.

A glance at our current global situation clearly indicates that the world has forgotten about the horrors of the past.


In our comfortable lives today we cannot comprehend the reality of life during times like the world war 2 or the Indian war of independence.

We humans have a cognitive scope limitation and because of which, anything outside our active reality is unreal to us.

So at a forgotten lesson we are bound to make the same mistakes again.


It’s okay to feel content, it’s okay to feel satisfied and it’s even okay to rest a little but when it’s time to do the hardwork, then we must always remember what fired us up in the first place.

You must have seen some Olympic athletes from not so abundant countries out performing those in the developed nations? It’s because that game is life for them. Their whole life revolves around that game.

You make a little progress and you already are thinking about resting.  Such inconsistent motivation will take you nowhere. Go get yourself some  success thought process. 

Don’t let past bad experiences pull you down, make you grumpy and enthusiasm less. Just make sure you are focused on what you have to do.


2. A sick man is determined to get healthy and a healthy one forgets what he went through last time.


“Discipline is wisdom and vice versa.” – M. Scott Peck


Thinking about health when you are sick, is like failing because you did not study. Don’t wait for another shitty day or incident to remind you of your goals. Don’t wait for another disappointing encounter to push you in the direction of your mission.

Do you always want to be nudged around, or are you ever going to commit and decide to do certain things no matter what religiously.

Discipline is very powerful, try to get disciplined and learn to focus on things which are important. That way you will always persevere.

Think about health when you are healthy. Go for a run, swim, hit the gym, climb a mountain do whatever you can to be fit. Eat healthy, eat organic, eat whole foods and when you are healthy, it’s your opportunity to grow even stronger. Even if sickness strikes later on you will be more capable and recover quicker. This is just an example, think in terms of life.

Discipline will prepare you for the worst. Because discipline does not demand favorability. It only demands action.


So think about what you really want and get disciplined to move in it’s direction. Perseverance will happen on its own, your determination will be tested but that is when you must know, that make hay while the sun shines.



Problem is we always forget what caused our down fall the last time. We again unconsciously fall into the same trap cycle. Because of which we always come back to ground zero. We always forget what made us feel hopeless. This forgetful nature keep us going in a circle.

We get trapped in a comfort zone and doing something to move out of it is a difficult task.

Don’t’ let that happen. Always remind yourself, why you started. What do you want out of your life? Keep that goal in focus. Be open to new experiences along the way and make sure you don’t live your life unconsciously. Put effort in knowing how to live your life consciously.

Stopping will bring you no benefits, you might not know any comfort if you keep going but one thing is for sure, as time passes and you look behind yourself for an understanding of your life, more than anything else, you will see the work you have put into and a life with no regrets.

A life with no regrets is a great life. Remember why you started and get to work.