At this point in time of the year, you might have lost your motivation, feeling low, depressed, and possibly hopeless too. I feel you. I maintain a diary to note down my goals for the year, even though I have ticked most of them, somewhere deep down in me, I feel I haven’t given them all I have got.

The burn is real. You might be feeling along the same lines, it could also be, that you haven’t even yet started doing what you intended to do this year. Please fear not, don’t feel hopeless, it’s life and sometimes it’s too fast for us to deal with it all perfectly the way we want it.

It’s that time of the year when we start seeing photos on social media which say “Half of this year is already over. Still, have not lost any weight or learned anything new and made no savings.” It’s funny when we are not at a deciding moment in our life, It used to be hilarious in school and we used to share the same story with all our friends.

Though now? We are looking forward to making something of ourselves, making something out of our life. We want to grow and fulfill our dreams, every year we make New Year resolutions and by the time we recuperate from 31st’s hangover, bamm!! It’s already July and I am right where I was the last year.

If that is you, let that sink in for a moment, let it make you teary if it does, feel that boiling rage inside you right now.

Think of all that you want to do, buckle up, it’s time to get on the fast lane.


1. It’s important you sit down right now, sort out your priorities immediately

If you maintain a diary like me, which I recommend you should, I don’t write long paragraph’s in there, I write it like bullet points. Say for example: Start working on the documentary on July 1 and finish it off by July 30th. That’s all.

Same goes for the whole year. I just quickly write down all that I want to do in a year. Then as I number them like tasks, I clearly see how many tasks I have left for the year or which all are in progress? I note down the progress similarly, like milestones, and number them, also jotting down, which milestones I expect to achieve by a certain date. It’s important you give a deadline or a commence Line to yourself because a motivational law is into practice right there.

So make a fresh list or go through your old list right now, you have a mental list as well, put it to paper immediately.

Now starting mid-year is way better than starting never and waiting for another new year. Cause you definitely know by now how waiting for the New Year has worked out for you.

Say it’s your “Priority list” now as you say they are a priority, it means they are of the utmost importance to you right now. No goals more important than the other, all goals have equal weightage, because ultimately it’s your life, it’s about you, whatever you do will start shaping your life. It’s all for your benefit. The sooner you start working on them the better.

Realize that, all those goals are a part of the whole, which is life. It’s time to commit to it with all your might.

So here are a few things you should do before gearing up for the second half ride:

  1.  Clear your head, and clearly note down all your priorities.
  2.  Sit still for a while, breathe deeply and find your focus.
  3.  Make a timetable about when you are going to start doing all of it. 


2. Make a commitment

Fail terribly if you will, let there be havoc everywhere around you, let all of the things fall apart if they must, but start working on your decided timetable immediately.

To be born again, we must first die, a phoenix rises from the ashes and before things come together they fall apart. Accept that embrace that.

Risk sabotaging your current way of life if you must, breaking the current routine and shifting into a new one you penned down, will require insane dedication and laser-like focus.

If you focus on what you will gain, you won’t feel the pain of what you are losing. Think about how great it feels today, that half of this splendid Year is already over and you are nowhere near achieving any of your goals?

Just ask this to yourself “Do I want to live the rest of my life, like I do right now?” If the answer is no, then you don’t give a dime about your current life, so what are you afraid of? You already are in an unpleasant situation.

The most you will lose by working for your goals is living the same life you have right now. But think about what you will gain if you successfully pull this effort off?

Not today and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you make a commitment now.

That by the end of the first week in July, I will plan out my remaining year and start acting on it immediately from the Monday of the second week. Now if you read this post after the second week, then give yourself a week’s time, plan everything out and start working from the next one.

You are only behind as much as you allow yourself to be.


3. Start with things which are in your control

At any given point in time, there are certain things which are in our control and some are not. People most often get stuck with things which Are completely out of their control and start postponing all other things which are in their control by saying “Let me just take care of this first then I can fully focus on the other thing.”

This is a huge problem and a major reason for procrastination. No one knows when certain things will fall into place and when you will have the time and energy to take care of other important tasks in your life.

There is no ideal situation and you will never have time. It’s been said before, you have to make time for things which are important to you. For that, however, you must clearly know those things are important, otherwise forget to make any progress with them.

Things which are in your control are:

  1.  Your health and fitness
  2. Learning
  3. Developing your skills set
  4. Eating healthy
  5. Scheduling, managing and planning your day
  6. Committing to that schedule and not postponing it because of some out-of-your-control situation

This might sound like everyday talk but I dare you to try this, start doing what I mentioned above in those 6 points and commit to it fully. And then tell me you did not feel any major change in your life. Give it 12 weeks.

Start taking care of your health and fitness, eat healthy, start learning like crazy, practice and develop your skills and whenever you feel overwhelmed instead of quitting, just wait until the rest day comes along, which is “Sunday” mostly and implement the 5th step, thoughtfully contemplate and plan your week ahead bearing in mind the current challenges.

Don’t quit just reevaluate.



How fast this year has gone by, it’s already July. Even though I had my plan laid out, I am still in shock considering half of the year is over. Before any of us realizes, it will be December and there it goes again, the same old cycle which we followed this year in the next year as well.

People’s whole lives have passed away like that, in a jiffy. You go ahead and ask someone 60, do you feel like you have lived for 60 years? Most probably their answer will be, No! Just yesterday I was 25 and in a blink of an eye here I am all old and 60.

At first, you feel like it’s such a long life, whatever age you are right now, just try to remember how you felt about people your age when You were a kid? And didn’t you think, it’s a long time until I reach that age. Most importantly you must have thought “I will never be like That “person” you remember as a kid, of whom you thought, this person is such a buzzkill, no enthusiasm, no willpower to make things happen, I will not be like that, I will show it to everyone how things are done with might”.

So become conscious of this, time passes by much more quickly than we realize. Make the most of your time while you are on earth. Become infectiously involved with life. Learn, grow, Aspire, Inspire and live to reach your full potential, because before you know it this will be over, so make sure that you live this life with enthusiasm and vigor.

Stop wasting time with things that sap your energy and does not contribute to your life in a productive way. You only have as much time, become a cheapskate and hoard your time for more important things, give sparsely to unnecessary things.

Spread this message to the world through your actions.