I remember reading this quote a long time back and it just sparked a clear vision in my head.

I could clearly see what mattered to me the most, In the moments of weakness, when I wanted to indulge, when I wanted to rest for no apparent reason and when I thought

“Skipping a day won’t hurt my effort.”

This quote helped me distinguish in an instant what was the right thing to do.

Every single time when I choose what I want the most, I could clearly see myself making tremendous progress.

Any time I wanted to half-ass my efforts, I will simply run this quote through my mind in a series of questions pertaining to the situation.

  1. Do I want to get in the best shape of my life or do I want to sleep for an extra hour?
  2. Does this food taste tastier than me feeling healthy, strong and energetic?
  3. Skip the stage cause I don’t want to be embarrassed now or daring it is what I want the most?
  4. Rest some more cause it’s too much work or make the most of now, to get what I want the most?
  5. Leave Sunday and 1 day is about 20% of a week, skip it now or grab that opportunity of 20% progress?


Every situation in life has two choices “Whether you want to be in your comfort zone now and indulge in this moment.” Or “Sacrifice now to live the rest of your life, like you always wanted.”

Understand this, it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a gift you give yourself. Every positive intention is a joyful journey on its own and the destination is indeed always fruitful.

It’s the beginning of the second half of the year if you messed up in the first half, this is your chance.

always choose what you want the most over what you want now.