Table of Contents
- So without further ado, let us begin with the 19 quotes and statements made by mahatma Gandhi throughout his book.
- Quotes on being the seeker of truth
- Quote on Fate and free-will
- Quotes on health, fitness and medication
- Quotes on equability and Non-Possession
- Quote on service
- Quotes on Education
- Quotes on Birth and Upbringing
- Quote on conservation
- Quotes on Journalism
- Conclusion
- “Finally, this is better, that one do his own task as he may, even though he fail, Than take tasks not his own, though they seem good. To die performing duty is no ill; But who seeks other roads shall wander still.”
This quotes are from Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography,
The book more than a biographical account does justice to the title of the book itself.
A series of experiments,
carried out by Mahatma Gandhi over the course of his early life, up and until the year 1921.
When I first went to this book, I had little expectations from it, apart from his early life, his struggle and the Indian freedom struggle, I did not expect much to be found in this book.
I definitely had heard tons of praises about it, it’s one of the most recommended books and a lot of people have stood by it’s life transforming power.
More than anything else, all this took hold of my curiosity and I finally decided to purchase and go through it, to find out what’s so amazing about it.
Let me assure you, This book turned out to be 10 times more better than what I had initially expected, I cannot quantify it or analyze it on any scale but I am definitely walking away with more than I had hoped for.
A book which inspires you to take on your own personal life experiments seriously and head in the direction of truth.
The range of issues which have been covered in this book, are insane. Everything right from birth, health and fitness, education, journalism, politics, conservation etc.
So without further ado, let us begin with the 19 quotes and statements made by mahatma Gandhi throughout his book.
If you get curious about the book and would like to read a review or make a purchase head here.
Quote on Fate and free-will

Quotes on health, fitness and medication

Now I cannot personally vouch for the water and earth treatment, as I or we are not fully aware of it’s application or it’s potency. Even in the book itself, Mahatma Gandhi himself does not recommend it as the ultimate solution but he solely has experimented with it, in his own life and found it useful.
The simple message being, learn to take care of yourself first, then ask for help if you are in a bleak situation. But I personally also firmly believe that majority of our problems, mind and body-wise can be effectively avoided, simply by eating right and exercising regularly.
My personal experiment and a success if we call it likewise is pranayama. I recommend that you must experience it’s power as well.
Quote on service

Quotes on Education

Honestly speaking this is quite forward thinking. I doubt whether our education system and it’s operators are even still paying attention to this subtle areas of education. I have been observing this from quite some time and have noticed a lot of relevant references as well, That indeed a beautifully articulated handwriting points towards a sound and well formed mind.
There could be exceptions of-course, we cannot be 100% certain all the time, it also does not mean, that those with a bad handwriting are dumb people, it simply and clearly means, that if you take upon yourself to master your handwriting, you can reawaken certain key areas of your brain, which visibly makes you smarter and creative.
I used to practice writing with my left hand, I am right handed and I was experimenting whether learning to write from the other inactive hand will open up a new dimension of understanding for me.
The experiment is incomplete, however I might go back to it in near future, also on the other hand, I have resumed drawing and painting in the form of digital art from about a month.
Quotes on Birth and Upbringing

Factually and humorously both of this findings are quite recent and people have started paying heed to them. For a man from the 1920’s to clearly understand it’s implications and act accordingly is amazing.
Quote on conservation

With great power comes great responsibility. We are the only animal which can think and act on our own accord and free will. I believe we are sort of the guardians of this plane of existence and we must take upon that responsibility.
Quotes on Journalism

This question has been haunting me from quite some time. More on the lines of “fake news” which is in practice this days and journalism which instead of being in the service of the people and the world as a whole is being used in the service of the select few.
Secondly even “dumb media” if you will is on the rise. See an idea or thought once planted definitely grows up into a tree and bears it’s own fruit. The level of low quality and bad standard content which is being circulated on the internet is massive.
I personally believe it’s slowly making the masses indulgent, making them seek instant gratification and more importantly spreading hysteria, planting all the wrong ideas of better living and people don’t seem to care any more, they are just okay with this sorry state, in fact some are enjoying it.
My thought was on the lines of “how can we protest against dumb media, which for the sake of marketing, produces low quality, delusional content in great quantity every day”. I was thinking on the terms of a reform, a reform which demands or forces media creators, to produce less but quality content.
We are willing to wait but we want the most beneficial and accurate account of anything which is significant.
But it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, people want something new everyday, beneficial or not is not even in the question and therefore the media giants continue providing it.
I also was considering that what should be the of aim journalism? and how to bring about the reform which I intend?
Both of this quotes came as a relief, the aim is service indeed and like good and evil, both the quality and quantity media must exist together. The choice solely lies in the hands of the readers.
That does not mean, I am giving up my idea of a reform, it simply means, instead of a protest, it will be a more subtle thought movement. Read about how to avoid the click bait monster of the internet here.
What are your thoughts about this?
I will end this post with a text from GITA which was mentioned in this book itself. However as it isn’t a quote by Mahatma Gandhi I did not include it in the image gallery above.
“Finally, this is better, that one do his own task as he may, even though he fail, Than take tasks not his own, though they seem good. To die performing duty is no ill; But who seeks other roads shall wander still.”
Now each of this quotes or texts has a back story to it, why he came to those conclusions and why he accepted it as the truth, is all in the book. This particular text from Gita was mentioned in relation to our own personal calling as an individual human. The meaning is self-evident isn’t it?
Do what you have come to do in this life, die if you must while performing your duty/dharma, doing it is your karma/action but don’t wander along the path to find something which appears beautiful but isn’t yours to take.
The entire book has been a beautiful journey, I recommend that you take it too, also if you have anything to say, please feel free to comment, I am eager to read from you.
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