Now when I proclaim something so daring and I am advocating it, you sure do expect me to deliver on the same.

Making such a huge claim, That what I am about to share with you right now is the most inspirational, motivational and the greatest piece of advice, you will ever receive in your lifetime, that is something else entirely.

Though believe me, it’s nothing too superficial or something really revolutionary, if you came here thinking that I am about to say something really out of the box and ground breaking, then please know, that it isn’t so.

It’s actually a very simple advice you might have heard a thousand times from everyone else around you.

Most notably from the great personalities we all look up to. A simple yet very effective, very genuine, very honest and extremely accurate Piece of advice.

If taken to heart with understanding, deep and thoughtful contemplation, this single piece of advice can change your life completely.  A complete 180 degree flip. You will be astound, how this one single advice can guide you and motivate you for ages.

Without further ado let’s get to know what I am raving about.

The single most influential and greatest piece of advice you will ever receive in your life is –

“Do what you advice other’s to do.”


1. Who am I to tell you this?

Well to be frank I am no one, I am just trying to make sense of the life I live. Whenever I notice myself advising others, I am always very thoughtful if I myself am implementing it. Because what you experience is what you know, just reading or gathering information about something isn’t knowing.

I always stand by my words like a mountain, I never utter what I don’t believe in or have not experienced myself. Because I genuinely want to help people, if I can in any given situation.

While thinking about writing a new blog post, I was wondering, what could be one influential piece of advice if implemented by everyone, could bring about an instant change and allow people to lead a driven life forever.

I mean I was thinking, what can I write for you, by which, if you apply that wholeheartedly, you will not require any further external motivation to get things done and achieve more in life.

So I noticed, that the whole world is busy giving advises to each other, all of them are great, all of them are very practical and easily actionable. Yet neither of the speaker or the listener is applying anything. Sure not everyone is like that, there are a lot of people who “Do as they preach” but majority “preaches what they have not experienced” that is a half advice, an unripe fruit.

You cannot say you are a master photographer having just read an amplitude of theory, if you have never handled the camera yourself. Clicked thousands of bad pictures before creating an astonishing one.

You do not know what practical problems could arise while figuring out how to take a particular shot. Sometimes you get the desired result, sometimes you don’t, however by going through those motions, you understand that craft completely. In and out.

Don’t you think your advice and suggestions are always great? That they are very helpful and people just don’t act on them, that’s why they fail to get the expected result. So that is the kind of thought process gone into writing this article, take your own advice, it’s great.

Apply it to a whole new level and rediscover its unique potency every time you peel and dive deeper into its understanding. Every single time, you will understand there is more meaning to it than you previously anticipated.

2. Speak less and act more, you will see wonders.

I want you to try this experiment, for a few weeks, say 4, stop giving any advice to anyone around you. Well if it’s an extremely delicate situation then do assist your close one, However if not, then completely stop giving suggestions to anyone.

During those 4 weeks, just do what you will recommend others to do. Don’t talk about it, don’t speak about it, Just by yourself constantly work towards acting on that self-suggestion.

If you haven’t noticed it already let me point out this to you, “you will always be tested by the universe on that which you preach.” Just 2 weeks back, one of my friends was telling Me that he simply cannot go to sleep early at night, he always stays up late until 2 or 3 am and because of which he wakes up late in the morning like by 9 or 10.

By 11 he has to leave for work and his remaining 1 hour is spent preparing for work. He told me, “He wants to get up early in the morning, learn something he wants to, exercise and use those extra hours of the day to further improve his productivity throughout the day.” In simple terms, he wants to get more things done in a single day.

I gave him a wholehearted advice about how to schedule his sleep, how to tire his body by exercise and how the exhaustion and relaxing hormones released during the work out will help him sleep sooner and better.

He will wake up sooner because of it, refreshed and ready to begin his day early.

Now I am yet to receive an update from him about his situation, however here is what happened with me. I am struggling to sleep early from exactly past 2 weeks, I wake up late, not very late But I usually get up by 5 or 6 am, now it’s around 8 am.

Because of which, I am not getting time to exercise and because of that I have to start my work, without first easing into the day by working out, Doing Pranayama and a healthy breakfast.

I am not sure what caused this, however I do understand, it’s time to do what I preach, it’s even more important now as now it has become a challenge, Previously it was a piece of cake for me, now it’s challenging.

If now I can come over this challenge and get back on track flawlessly, then I get the license to advice about this particular thing. It’s because anyone can do it when it’s easy, if you do it when it’s Difficult, that’s when you truly understand something and are able to guide someone through it emotionally, mentally and physically.

Well this incident is ongoing when I am writing this blog, However by the time you read it, I might have already overcome it, you might find an update about this in a future blog. If I forget you can always ask me, let’s keep each other accountable, alright?

3. A word of caution

Not all advice is created equal, even if your own, just be well informed about your decision, take opinions from others if you need to but ultimately do what you think is suitable. Also living Your own advice can help you understand everybody’s situation better, as you have gone through it all, you understand their pain and struggle and you will be honest and gentle in guiding someone.

Take pride in your achievements, because knowing you can do what you say, is a feeling of great power. You may start thinking too highly of yourself, because of which whoever cannot act on their own words, you will start judging them. Develop a humble demeanor within yourself. As, if you don’t then you will be tested, if you fail the test, you will be back to ground zero. All that effort you made will be wasted.

So whatever you preach be ready to be tested, never suggest anything that you yourself cannot act it out, such action is a fantastic recipe for living a half-life.


Do let me know your thoughts about what you think of this suggestion. I just wanted to bring some light to a topic that is often neglected by many others, I gave you the blunt truth in my Opinion, no sugar coating, some people preach that people don’t want to hear the truth, they want to hear what pleases them.

My belief is say what is right and at least one person will be provoked to think in that direction and If that adds even a little bit of right in the world it’s wonderful.

Sometimes the truth might not be pleasing but it could be life changing, we should dare to place our honest opinions. We might be scrutinized but that’s a good thing too, because then there’s a chance of even more growth, your understanding might develop further, by the audience of others thoughts and opinions which could guide you to a deeper and better understanding of your topic.