Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorous. Both these minerals are essential for bone formation. Studies have observed that vitamin D can guard against infections and reduce inflammation. Multiple organs in the body also have vitamin D receptors which signals and scientists believe and are researching that the vitamin also has other important roles apart from maintaining bone health.

In this article, I am going to write about most things Vitamin D for your reference, so that you can understand the importance of this vitamin in your diet and make better food choices that ensure you meet the vitamin D requirements of your body for optimal health and performance.

The reason I am doing this series is that many times our cognitive or physical abilities are hampered, we feel sick or demotivated and it’s not because we are ill in any way but simply because we are nutrient deficient.

So, such a hidden roadblock must be brought to light and removed because it comes between us and our privilege of living a full life.

In a previous larger article, I covered nutrition in general and how to consume the 6 essential nutrients your body needs properly for health and fitness. Building upon that I am doing a series of articles to expound on those nutrients and help you find the best sources of carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Because just telling you how to consume them properly won’t help. I must tell you where to get the best quality of them.

So, in this article, we will be covering the best sources of Vitamin D, understand its functions in necessary detail, and comprehend what its deficiency can result into.

Please note, that I am doing this based on thorough research on the internet and from the benefits or trouble I have experienced by following a healthy or unhealthy diet.

Although all the information presented here is from trusted sources this is simply a guide and not professional advice.

I strongly recommend taking professional advice if this article sparks that curiosity in you.


Basics of Vitamin D


There are two forms of vitamin D, vitamin D2 (“ergocalciferol” or pre-vitamin D) and vitamin D3 (“cholecalciferol”). Naturally occurring produced under the sun’s ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays. Plants and fungi produce D2 and animals, which includes humans, produce D3. The primary natural source of vitamin D is its production in the skin and not many foods naturally contain this vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency can occur in people who either live in places with limited sunlight in winter or because they have limited sun exposure due to staying indoors most of the time. Deficiency can also occur in people with dark skin because of the pigment melanin which acts like a sunscreen limiting vitamin D production.

Dark skins however are great at protecting the skin against the damaging effects of sunlight.


Functions and Benefits of Vitamin D


As mentioned before, vitamin D enables the absorption of calcium and phosphorous in the intestine. It, therefore, supports the growth and maintenance of bones. Sufficient vitamin D in the body makes you less susceptible to fractures as it strengthens the bones.

It also improves body balance as it helps with the contraction and relaxation of the muscles. It’s also been observed to be useful in the healing and regeneration of muscles. Making it really important if you want strong muscles. Together with facilitating the production of strong bones it basically strengthens the entire skeletal frame.

Essential for dental health it prevents decay and loss of teeth, strengthens gums, and reduces the risk of oral infection.

Vitamin D also supports the kidney’s functions of removing waste and extra water from the blood in the form of urine and helps keep minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium balanced in the body. Keeping the kidney healthy and protected from infections.

The vitamin also has a critical role in cellular growth, repair, and metabolism. It’s even known to help reduce obesity by restoring the function of leptin, an appetite hormone that gives you the feeling of fullness. Thereby discouraging snacking and aiding weight loss.


List of General Vitamin D Benefits

  • Reduces depression and regulates mood
  • Improves dental health
  • Improves bone and muscle health
  • Improves kidney (renal) functions.
  • Controls hunger
  • Aids weight loss
  • Wound healing and body repair


Best Sources of Vitamin D


Regular exposure to sunlight in the early hours of the day is the easiest way to ensure that you get the powerful vitamin D.

If you want to get out of a rut, depression, or feel less anxious then you should really try the magic of early morning sunlight that way.

The best sources of vitamin D3 are the flesh of fatty fish or fish liver oils. Small quantities are also found in egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver. Mushrooms are known to have some vitamin D2 and some commercially available mushrooms have even higher vitamin D2 content than their naturally occurring counterparts. It’s because they are purposely exposed to more UV light to encourage higher production of the vitamin.

You can also do this with regular mushrooms by keeping them in sunlight for some time before cooking or eating them.


List of Vitamin D Sources

  • Dairy and plant milk fortified with vitamin D
  • Fortified cereals
  • Cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Tuna Fish
  • Sardines
  • Mushrooms


Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency


As we learned earlier sunlight plays a central role in maintaining bone health and immunity because it promotes the production of vitamin D in the body. A vitamin D deficiency can cause low bone density and impair the mineralization of bones. It can eventually lead to osteoporosis and rickets.


Stay Safe from Overconsumption

Post covid the awareness around vitamin C and D has gone up considerably. A side effect of it is that people have started consuming vitamin D excessively. The vitamin found in food and one produced naturally by sunlight is unlikely to cause toxicity by overconsumption. Toxicity can only occur by taking supplements.

It’s inadvisable to consume vitamin D supplements that have more than 4000 IU unless it’s prescribed by a health professional.


Symptoms of Toxicity Caused by Vitamin D:

  • Weight loss
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Anorexia
  • Increased calcium levels in the blood that can lead to the hardening of blood vessels and tissues which can potentially cause heart or kidney damage




It’s difficult to get sufficient vitamin D through diet and sunlight alone and so it’s advisable to consult with a doctor to determine if you need a vitamin D supplement in your diet.

Vitamin D has many superb benefits ranging from the ability to improve your mood and alleviate depression to reducing the risk of certain diseases.

For people who are looking to lose weight and build muscles, it’s a vitamin useful for both. I hope you derived value from this post and that you now understand the importance of vitamin D in safeguarding your health and fitness.

I encourage you to read about the other nutrients (A, B, C, E, and K, carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), and protein) covered in this series on nutrition as well so that you can form a complete picture of the role diet and nutrition play in developing and sustaining your quality of life.

To learn about the basics of exercise read the article Basics of exercise and how to select appropriate activity levels for fitness.

I would also encourage you to check out the article on Pranayama, which I believe is one of the best ways to enhance our health and uplift our spirits, apart from good nutrition and exercise, and on the same wavelength also read the article on sound healing which is a scientific and spiritual discussion on the healing power of sound and frequencies.

If you would like to get in touch with me or stay in touch with what I create then you can follow my account on Instagram or subscribe to Soulo’s newsletter below.

I also publish videos on YouTube. Currently, I am doing a series called Just a Thought, in which I share my thoughts on all kinds of topics related to our modern lives in under 3 minutes. If that interests you then do consider subscribing to Soulo on YouTube.