Our everyday energy levels are affected by a number of factors, we must consider that we are a living organism and a multitude of factors affect how we feel throughout the day. Also with that extra ability of cognitive process we are prone to emotional and psychological factors too, which determine our wellbeing in everyday lives.

Animals have excellent energy levels throughout the day, reason being, they are extremely physically active and don’t have to deal with the psychological stresses which we have to deal with. Their food is simple, natural and whole. No processed or hybrid food.

Staying in touch with nature also rejuvenates and reenergizes our system. City life can take a huge toll on us. We are civilized animals, But in the end we are a part of nature which has excluded itself from the touch and sources of nature.

We should always pay attention to how closely we are connected with nature, nature is something healing and a part of us, we are nature too, everything we create is artificial. This understanding can help us better understand our relation with nature and how a constant contact with it can be benefiting.

Let’s get to know 5 ways by which we can Increase our energy levels and maintain it throughout the day.

1. Ditch Coffee, tea and energy drinks for Green tea


Excessive consumption of tea, coffee and also energy drinks for that matter, leads to restlessness, nervousness and anxiety.

This particular state of being are difficult to notice easily, sometimes they are very evident but maybe in that moment we are concerned by some other factors in our life and think, that I am feeling nervous or restless because of it.

On the contrary, whatever little you felt was boosted when you consumed any of it. Your mental activity has increased. Try noticing your internal physical and emotional states after consuming them, see if you feel any of the above and if that is so, you really need to think about giving it a break.

On the other hand, constantly making our system dependent on stimulant substances reduces the ability of our own natural system to generate energy organically. Our system loses its ability to concentrate, maintain focus and an active state on its own.

It gets programmed in a fashion which says

“I am low on energy, let’s get some coffee”


Using external stimuli to boost our internal states, creates a habit of releasing feel good hormones only after the consumption of that particular substance, it also increases the amount unnaturally high, which leads us to feeling pathetic and low on normal levels.

It’s not a drug but just like drugs, you get used to getting your dopamine shot from coffee and tea. As we all know, dopamine is a feel good hormone.

Once, just like a junkie, when you develop a resistance to it, you will require your choice of  substance to feel euphoric again, or maybe even to become barely functional. Eventually you will require it in greater quantities, which ultimately will lead you to addiction. Addiction is simply being dependent on something for well-being.

Such artificially initiated processes will disrupt your system. It’s performance will go down. Such a person will be demotivated, distracted and very anxious. Just to feel the same amount of good, you will have to consume way-more than you previously did and not even reach that point. 

Ultimately making your entire system dysfunctional.

This is very sad.


Now let’s get to the benefits of drinking Green tea, as now I have explained my point of view over coffee and tea consumption.


Green tea is rich in antioxidants, has caffeine but in very little amounts compared to coffee and energy drinks.

It boosts your metabolism, a good metabolism is excellent for maintaining good energy levels as food is properly digested and energy is well distributed. Squeeze in a lemon with your green tea and you add the extra benefits carried by the vitamin C present in citrus fruits. Vitamin C is anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and has healing properties.

Reenergizing all Your cells. Green tea also helps you with fat loss which is a great added benefit for anyone who wants to lose fat.

I encourage you to take this as a challenge and for at least a month try drinking green tea instead of any other caffeinated drink and I assure you, you won’t feel like going back to coffee or tea and especially because somehow after withdrawal, they both start tasting awful, like if it’s a degraded substance. That particular taste will make you question your choice of drinking it for so long.


2. Improve your posture and exercise, also do some pranayama


We being a living organism little changes in our bodily movements can greatly alter different aspects of our mind and body. A slouched posture ,looking down while walking, shaking your legs while sitting and closed cross body postures greatly reduce your energy levels and keep you in a very secluded and disinterested mood.

While straight and erect postures make you feel confident. Open postures make you feel open to new ideas and possibilities. You project an interest in the world.

Walking tall and looking straight everyday will keep you naturally alert and aware of your surroundings, you will project an aura of confidence and such active involvement with your surroundings will make you feel energetic.

Your body language can greatly impact your everyday mood and energy levels.

Exercising adds more oxygen to your blood, it improves blood circulation and it ensures a proper supply of nutrients throughout the body and brain. It releases perfect amount of dopamine naturally and you feel good about yourself. Proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to your brain means, better cognitive functions. You are able to focus better and stay active throughout the day.

Pranayama has the same and equal amount of benefits as exercising, it also heals or cures you of many ailments within the body. Especially pranayama is a magnificent tool to calm your mind, making it feel at ease and give you a peaceful vibe. Being worry free and immune to stress boosts our energy levels as well.

Majority of your energy is sapped by everyday stresses however with pranayama on your side, you can start your day on a fortified note, which ensures you maintain a fantastic state of mind throughout the day. I highly recommend doing it after your day is over as well for 15 minutes.


3. Connect with nature


Actively make time to interact with nature as much as possible. You might remember the feeling of calm and beauty you felt while strolling through the woods during a trek with your family or friends, how the sound of flowing water or waves of ocean against the shores makes you feel amazing instantly. How calming and soothing it feels.

Your body gets naturally aligned with the sounds of nature, your system responds positively to every vibration created by the sound of nature. It’s healing.

Also whenever you have time try connecting with nature physically, like walking on grass barefoot. Taking a swim. Doing some gardening etc. Always plant some locally beneficial plants in your backyard rather than those that just look beautiful, try to maintain the natural eco-system of your area.

You can take up hobbies such as bird watching. You don’t need too many resources to conduct that and most importantly birds are everywhere, you can spot up to 30 to 50 species in your neighborhood itself if you know how to identify them.

Developing one such simple hobby can connect you to nature so easily. The environment is benefited too,  as it will gain one more comrade in its struggle for conservation and sustenance.

Also remember, doing good for others is a positive act, a positive act can give you a lot of energy.


4. Reduce digital indulgence


Even if you engage with digital media productively, live and real interactions are always better.

The blue light from our screens and the energy fields various electronic devices create greatly disrupts our own natural flow of energy. Try to give as much time as possible to real world activities rather than digital ones. Like read a book more often than a blog online.

Reduce social media use, because let’s just be honest here, more than anything else, social media has become a playground of anonymous gossip. Did we not have enough drama already with the people we know personally? That we started adding and creating excess of it over various social media platforms by interacting with all sorts of strangers.

Not all media is good media, your Facebook feed can really determine the kind of mood you will have throughout the day, one bad news or unpleasant post comes in your view and even if not practically but emotionally you react to it strongly, sometimes you agree with some stuff and sometimes you distaste and disagree with it immediately.

Didn’t you have enough agreement and disagreement in your real life already? Why would you want to trigger unexpected, unpleasant emotions by complete strangers and even people you know that will sap you off your precious life energy. Just stop. And bring that use to bare minimum and most essential only.

You will begin to notice the transformative power of real life interactions with everything immediately.


5. Try being relaxed throughout the day plus eat healthy.


Try to be happy throughout the day, even if you don’t feel happy, just smile irrelevantly.

Because like I told you our body language influences our emotional states. If you smile physically, Eventually you will smile emotionally, greet everyone with a smile, who knows that exchange of positivity might boost all your moods for good and create a positive surrounding around you.

Try not to react to everything, whatever happens, judge it on two scales, “can I change it?” if yes then do not worry, if no, then what’s the use of worrying, whatever has happened, has happened.

Move on, and at least not disturb yourself in all other walks of life and abstain you from enjoying anything else. Why let one thing affect all your other parts of life, it’s a complete chaos.

Now by healthy I do not mean tasteless food or just chicken and broccoli throughout the year. To those who want a fit muscular body, you don’t have a choice, you need to commit and get on with it.

However for everyone else, eating healthy means, eating on time, eating organic food, eating some greens, consuming a fruit here and there at least twice or thrice a week and consuming plenty of water. Definitely you can eat junk food sometimes but majority of your diet should be whole organic food. That’s what I mean by healthy.

Also eating on time, makes your body understand your routine, it will actively manage your energy distribution throughout the day by which you will always have the right amount of energy for any particular task. Eating on time and properly ensures you don’t feel sluggish and drowsy after eating. You actually should feel super energetic after consuming your food.



This are effective, very simple and are deeply integrated ways with your daily routine, if you do as described, you will feel a great surge of positivity and energy in your life.

You will feel amazing about yourself and you will feel unstoppable. Nothing will feel like a drag, everything will be a breeze. You will have all the energy  you require to do everything you want every single day of your life.

This are tried and tested ways and I personally follow them. I cannot describe to you verbally just how refreshing and amazing it feels if you do as I said but I am sure once you experience those results, You will never want to go back to your old ways and even if you go back, you will always strive to get back on track and that’s a good sign.

It means you will always be steadfast in trying to reach your full potential.